17 de jun. de 2013

mundo todo dando a noticia dos protestos no Brasil #protestosp

  1. Corajosos são os poucos que estão lutando por nós, parabéns a todos!
  2. help us here in Brazil! Please tweet to help in the manifestation!
  3. Brazil is fighting against corruption.. have you seen it? We will fight for our rights
  4. Brazil woke up! The change began! Enough of corrupt politicians! Enough to abuse our beautiful nation!
  5. [] Houve um problema com o áudio durante o SS5HK e Henry aproveitou para...
  6. Stay Safe, Stay Strong. WORLD supports You Brazil & Turkey. May the force be with you!
  7. Sao Paulo, Rio de Janerio, Salvador, Curitiba, Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara, Eskişehir, Brazil, Turkey!
  8. those x games were pretty cool, keep up the good work brazil
  9. Hey Niall, please say for Brazil? Thanks. I ♥ You
  10. BBC News - Brazil protests spread in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio
  11. Com depredação ou sem depredação o povo TEM que continuaar!! KEEP WALKING, BRAZIL

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